San Pablo Accomplishments
The City of San Pablo, in recognizing the impacts of climate change, believes that energy-efficiency is a crucial step to the preservation of San Pablo’s health, safety and security. Reducing electricity and natural gas usage saves community members and the City money, while decreasing anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions that have been linked to climate change. In support of these efforts, the City joined ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability in 2009 and has been pursuing their “Five Milestones for Climate Mitigation.”
General Plan Update
- General Plan was last updated in 2011 to guide the city through 2030. It includes elements on climate change management, open space, water conservation, and improved transport efficiency.
Climate Action Planning
- In 2012, the City adopted a Climate Action Plan (CAP) with a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 15% by 2020.
- Completed Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
- Joined ICLEI‘s Cities for Climate Protection Campaign.
Community Involvement
- San Pablo SPAWNERS work to clean up the San Pablo creeks and meets weekly while hosting special event days.
City of San Pablo website
Updated July 2019.