Public Health and Climate Change
On April 24th 2012, the Contra Costa County Climate Leaders along with the Public Environmental Health Advisory Board presented a workshop on Public Health and Climate Change. Discussed was the role of local governments with this rising topic, the co-health benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, and implementing public health policy into Climate Action and General Plans. Thanks to all who attended!
Workshop Details
- Kit Faubion, Meyers Nave, Legal Information
CEQA Guidelines - Kathy Dervin, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, PEHAB
Climate Action Planning and Community Health - Jeff Ritterman, Medical Doctor, Richmond City Council
Health Impacts of Climate Change
Health Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation - Sasha Curl, City of Richmond
- Indicators of Climate Change in California
- EPA Evaluation of Air Quality Co-Benefits of Local Greenhouse Gas Reduction
- California Department of Health Integrating Public Health into Climate Action Planning
- Eugene Climate and Energy Action Plan Health Impact Assessment
Attendees List
Click here to see a List of Attendees