Plug-In Electric Vehicles:
Developing EV infrastructure in local cities
Tuesday June 2, 8:00 am – noon
Hosted by the City of Richmond and co-sponsored by County Supervisor, John Gioia
440 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA
Workshop Details
- Introductions, Lynda Deschambault, Executive Director, 4CL
- Welcome – Richmond City Mayor, Tom Butt
- John Gioia; County Supervisor and CARB memeber; Update on EV Regulations and State Law.
- Damian Breen; Bay Area Air Quality Management District; Bay Area Goals and Objectives.
- John Gioia (Country Supervisor) and Jamar Stamps (Contra Costa County); Countywide Discussion and CCC Updates.
- Jana Corey; Electrification and Alternative Fuels Director for PG&E; PG&E’s EV Infrastructure Update
Local Government Speakers
- David Worthington, Sonoma County, EV Infrastructure and Accessibility
- Informal City Sharing Time: Berkeley, Antioch, Concord, Richmond
- For More Resources and Case Study Examples: Check out our EV Fact Sheet.
- How do Contra Costa Cities stack up in number of charging stations: Check out our EV Scorecard.