Drought Resilience and Livable Communities
Thursday October 3, 2013 8:30 am – noon
City Hall Council Chambers
65 Civic Avenue Pittsburg, CA
Workshop Details
- Introductions, Lynda Deschambault, Executive Director, 4CL
- Paul Gilbert-Snyder, EBMUD. Bay Area Big Picture: What is the Bay Area Integrated Water Management Plan and what does it mean for my community?
- Maureen Martinez, Contra Costa Water District; and Paul Gilbert-Snyder, EBMUD. Where does your city’s water come from, what planning is in place, and what is expected with impacts of climate change? Review of program and funding available to cities.
- B. Tondre, Drought Interest Cooperative (DIG). What are the expected impacts on our cities and how can we adapt and plan? Updates on existing and pending legislation.
Local Government Speakers
- Don Buchanan and Anthony Baldazo; Public Works. City of Pittsburg adopted various water efficient landscaping techniques.
- Melanie Mintz. City of El Cerrito’s San Pablo Avenue Streetscape and Rain Garden Project incorporated “Bay Friendly” landscaping to save water and labor costs.
- B. Tondre. City of Oakland saved over 400,000 gallons of water with its city-wide rainbarrel program. 2708 rainbarrels were provided by UpCycle to 1306 residents.
- Handouts of Best Practices: San Francisco, California. Tuscon, Arizona. Palo Alto, California.
- For More Resources and Case Study Examples: Check out our Drought Resilience Fact Sheet.