San Ramon Accomplishments:
General Plan Update
- The City of San Ramon last updated their General Plan in 2011. It includes elements on greenhouse gas management, transportation, water conservation, green building and energy efficiency. It will be in effect until 2035.
- General Plan 2030 adopted by the City Council on April 26, 2011 includes GHG emission reduction policies and aim to meet the CA Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.
Climate Action Planning
- City of San Ramon Climate Action Plan was adopted by City Council in 2011. It contains strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions 15% below 2008 levels by 2020. It was last reviewed in 2015.
Community Support
- Sustainable San Ramon is a community-based non-profit organization promoting sustainable living and providing resources for residents of San Ramon.
City of San Ramon Website.
Last updated July 2019.