Climate Action Matrix

How is YOUR city doing compared to other Contra Costa County Cities?



Last Revised: September 2020

Data Sources: Located in the official report

as of June 1, 2018


IP=In Progress

*1) Generalized Plan: Going to go back to council and really establish the specifics
*2) Guidelines are written into policy but are voluntary

Green Business Directory
Population Estimates 2013


Climate Action Plan Key

nothing Nothing
some-progress Some Progress
GHGComplete GHG complete
SomeProgress Some Progress on Climate Action Plan
CAPComplete Climate Action Plan Completed
plan-incl-sustainability General Plan updated to include Sustainability

ES&S Rep = Energy Solutions and Services Representative
CYES = California Youth Energy Services Program
DI = Direct Install Small Commercial Business Programs
MIT = Municipal Implemenation Team
PW = Public Works
EAP = Energy Action Portion of Climate Action Plan completed by QuEST contract


A1 – The Spare the Air Employer program consists of employer coordinators informing their workforce of impending Spare the Air days, educating employees on individual actions to improve air quality, and motivating them to take action.

A2 – Single use plastic bags force us to rely on oil production, pollute habitats, harm wildlife, and remain in landfills where they never fully decompose. Many cities are passing local plastic bag ban ordinances to combat the many problems of plastic bags.

A3 – The Fossil Fuel Divestment movement seeks to end our dependence on fossil fuels by calling on individuals, campuses, and local governments to stop doing business with companies that invest in fossil fuels.

A4 – Tree City USA is a national program that provides the framework for community forestry management for cities and towns across America.

A5 – The Fig Tree Program is an innovative partnership to receive upfront funding for energy and water efficiencyand to repay through your property taxes

A6 – CaliforniaFIRST is an innovative partnership to receive upfront funding for energy and water efficiencyand to repay through your property taxes

A7 – HERO is an innovative partnership to receive upfront funding for energy and water efficiencyand to repay through your property taxes