Residential Energy Financing

Residential Energy Financing

This workshop presented information regarding financing options for residential energy options. Presenters spoke on programs that were both affordable and feasible for Contra Costa County residents. We specifically looked at the particulars of AB 811, California First, and PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy). Local Governments provided their insight on these programs and shared what was being done in their jurisdictions. The City of Richmond shared their current progress in joining California First and Contra Costa County shared their desire to get more City participants in the program as well. The City of Berkeley shared the results of their Berkeley First pilot program.

Workshop Details


Sam Sperry, Meyers Nave:

PACE: Kelly McKenna, Renewable Funding

Del Evans, PG&E

Case studies and Local Government Perspectives

Adam Lenz, City of Richmond:

“PACE financing will enable a homeowner or business to substitute their PG&E bill with a small loan repayment to finance home performance, energy and water efficiency and energy installations. The PACE model will reduce a community’s GHG footprint, create local green collar jobs and promote a healthier and greener community.” –Adam Lenz

Please feel free to use the following documents as a template for your own Staff Reports or Resolutions.

Jason Crapo, Contra Costa County:

Please contact Jason (email: if you are interested in getting Contra Costa County involved in the California First program.

Timothy Burroughs, City of Berkeley

“Removing barriers to energy and water efficiency and solar requires a mix of tools. PACE financing is one of those many tools. It has the potential to eliminate the upfront cost of making energy improvements and also addresses the long payback period of solar, in particular.” –Timothy Burroughs

Guide to Energy Efficiency & Energy Financing Districts for Local Governments